Saturday, December 12, 2015

Fatal plongeon - Nouvelle noire (French Edition)

Fatal plongeon - Nouvelle noire

Fatal plongeon - Nouvelle noire (French Edition)


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Roland Sadaune

Fatal plongeon

Collection Noire Sœur

Paris, aujourd’hui
« Plus de onze millions de personnes touchées par la pauvreté monétaire, des privations matérielles ou la faible intensité de travail… », reconnaît la Commission européenne.
Je referme 20 minutes, l’abandonne sur la table de bistro en allant payer le caoua arrosé au bar. En cette mi-décembre le journal gratuit ne déborde pas d’optimisme.

Je déserte le Plénitude dans une indifférence générale. Hors des périmètres officiels dans lesquels se pérennise la mouise, le clodo fait tache. Peu de gens quai de Valmy, le mercure n’incite pas à la flânerie. Je hâte le pas. Coincé dans la ceinture de mon pantalon de velours usé, le pistolet m’irrite les chairs. Je vais avoir de la chance ?
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Fan - Nouvelle noire (French Edition)

Fan - Nouvelle noire

Fan - Nouvelle noire (French Edition)


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Nathalie Chacornac


Collection Noire Sœur

Ça fait déjà deux ans que je suis fan du groupe Dark Angel. J’en ai fait des kilomètres pour les voir en concert ! Je peux dire sans me vanter que je connais la plupart des villes de France. Enfin, au moins leurs gares et leurs salles de spectacle. Question frais de déplacement, ça fait un sacré budget. Toute ma paye y passe.

Mais ce samedi-là, Dark Angel jouait chez moi. Deux ans que j’attendais ça. Deux ans que j’espérais avoir l’occasion de les voir de plus près. Je bosse comme femme de chambre à L’Excelsior, le meilleur hôtel de la ville. Les V.I.P. descendent toujours à L’Excelsior, et Dark Angel n’a pas dérogé à la règle. Je me suis débrouillée pour être de service à l’étage qu’ils avaient réservé. Normalement, c’était au tour de Cynthia de bosser ce week-end-là, mais elle m’a laissé sa place sans faire d’histoires, trop contente d’échapper aux caprices de star – c’est une idée que je lui avais fourrée dans le crâne – et de passer deux jours pénarde avec son jules. 


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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tales of Cthulhu Robert E Howard

Tales of Cthulhu Robert E Howard


Robert E. Howard 



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Thank you for reading. In the event that you appreciate this book, please consider sharing the good word(s) by leaving a review, or connect with the author. 

This book is a work of fiction; its contents are wholly imagined.
All rights reserved. Aside from brief quotations for media coverage and reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced or distributed in any form without the author’s permission. Thank you for supporting authors and a diverse, creative culture by purchasing this book and complying with copyright laws.

Copyright © 2015 by Robert E. Howard
Interior design by Pronoun
Distribution by Pronoun 

Tales of Cthulhu Robert E Howard.
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Monday, December 7, 2015

Procurados - Vivos ou Mortos (Portuguese Edition)

Vivos ou Mortos
1ª edição

Título original: A Bullet For Two
Copyright © 2010 por Robert Strzalko
Copyright da tradução © 2015 por Editora Cia do eBook Ltda
A Cia do eBook apoia os direitos autorais.

 Eles incentivam a criatividade, promovem a liberdade de expressão e criam uma cultura vibrante. Obrigado por comprar uma edição autorizada desta obra e por cumprir a lei de direitos autorais não reproduzindo ou distribuindo nenhuma parte dela sem autorização. Você está apoiando os autores e a Cia do eBook para que continuem a publicar novas obras.

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Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook

Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook

Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook

Table of Contents

  • Python Geospatial Analysis Cookbook
  • Credits
  • About the Author
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  • Preface
  • What this book covers
  • What you need for this book
  • Who this book is for
  • Sections
  • Getting ready
  • How to do it…
  • How it works…
  • There's more…
  • See also
  • Conventions
  • Reader feedback
  • Customer support
  • Downloading the example code
  • Downloading the color images of this book
  • Errata
  • Piracy
  • Questions 

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Protestantism and Catholicity - Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe

Protestantism and Catholicity - Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe




Among the many and important evils which have been the necessary result of the profound revolutions of modern times, there appears a good extremely valuable to science, and which will probably have a beneficial influence on the human race,—I mean the love of studies having for their object man and society. The shocks have been so rude, that the earth has, as it were, opened under our feet; and the human mind, which, full of pride and haughtiness, but lately advanced on a triumphal car amid acclamations and cries of victory, has been alarmed and stopped in its career. 

Absorbed by an important thought, overcome by a profound reflection, it has asked itself, "What am I? whence do I come? what is my destination?" Religious questions have regained their high importance; and when they might have been supposed to have been scattered by the breath of indifference, or almost annihilated by the astonishing development of material interests, by the progress of the natural and exact sciences, by the continually increasing ardour of political debates,—we have seen that, so far from having been stifled by the immense weight which seemed to have overwhelmed them, they have reappeared on a sudden in all their magnitude, in their gigantic form, predominant over society, and reaching from the heavens to the abyss.

This disposition of men's minds naturally drew their attention to the religious revolution of the sixteenth century; it was natural that they should ask what this revolution had done to promote the interests of humanity. Unhappily, great mistakes have been made in this inquiry. Either because they have looked at the facts through the distorted medium of sectarian prejudice, or because they have only considered them superficially, men have arrived at the conclusion, that the reformers of the sixteenth century conferred a signal benefit on the nations of Europe, by contributing to the development of science, of the arts, of human liberty, and of every thing which is comprised in the word civilization .Protestantism and Catholicity - Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe.

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Friday, December 4, 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Caught in the Crossfire - The Crenshaws of Texas (Silhouette Desire)

Caught in the Crossfire - The Crenshaws of Texas (Silhouette Desire)

What Was He Doing In Bed With Her?

Caught in the Crossfire - The Crenshaws of Texas (Silhouette Desire), Even more important, why had she allowed him into her bed?
He’d decided after the night they’d met that he’d be much better off not to call her. His strong reaction to her that night was warning enough. By the next day he’d known that if he continued to see her, they would end up in bed together. He’d reminded himself that Lindsey Russell was not the kind of woman who would be willing to have a no-strings-attached relationship, which was the only kind he was interested in having these days.
Until last night, from the evidence. There were all kinds of strings attached to this scenario, none of them to his liking.
If there was one thing that Jared knew on this particular morning, it was that he had no business being in Lindsey Russell’s bed.
What had he been thinking?
Caught in the Crossfire: The Crenshaws of Texas (Silhouette Desire)

 Caught in the Crossfire: The Crenshaws of Texas (Silhouette Desire)

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